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Ah yes, the classic harem game where you whore out half the cast. What a terrible game


Yeah, I don't think the dev understands what harem means.

idk if its just me or other people but when i save and then close the game when i relaunch the game it wont let me continue 


who does  mc keep from his harem for himself ?


Okay so..

Imma need a way to give those girls headpats 

A parte das questões que é para a gente ver as missões como deve fazer na hora que eu clico lá dá erro


Looks like we'll need a save file to find the issue. If you can send it to and we'll see what we can do.

Google tradutor português: Parece que precisaremos de um arquivo salvo para encontrar o problema. Se puder envie para e veremos o que podemos fazer.


Bom dia eu gosto muito desse jogo A questão é que quando a gente vai apertar naquelas questões que é para saber negócio das Missões na hora que eu clico lá aparece o nome diz erro aí para o jogo aí é obrigado a refazer de novo 


This is NOT a harem game, that that shit out of the title. Its a terrible cuck game.


idk what your talking about dude

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

What is there not to understand? MOST of your "harem" UNAVOIDABLY  cucks you by fucking other dudes.


I believe good sir that is bias and not a fact...


Harem means 1 guy and multiple girls and maybe a choice to include others at the main characters discretion. Not 1 guy multiple girls and any guy who wants to come along for the ride. You are the one who doesn't seem to understand what you are talking about.

Can you make a mega download?

anyone know where to find the Claymore?


I love the game absolutely love it. Truly really fun sometimes i had no clue on what to do but other than that its really really fun.

can't want for the next update.


I don't see any quests' details in the game, does anyone have this similar problem? Hope somebody reply ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Sorry to say but when i started playing durning quest for wine cascet i got all 5 and still got info that i should go to the beach.  Quest dont go forward and still is marked as active. Talking with quest giver whole time shows that i should go to the beach.


I genuinely never thought I'd see this game again! I'm glad to see people who enjoyed it so much they want to remaster it!

how do  learn more about terra

follow the quest instructions

is there netorare?

Is there a way to get a save file for v3m4? (I had played all of v3m3 but I lost the save file)

(1 edit)

i want to play this game but the page is asking for a password to downloaded it

I can't seem to find wyri i haven't even been able to solve the first puzzle


How to play this game on Android, I have extracted this game, and can't find the game

use a app called joiplay to use play it. if you haven't found it out already.

where is the rat nest in thorin

if you find it let me know ive searched i think all the building and cant find it

finaly found it don't now if you still need it  the steps are first talk to th girl in the house south south central then the barthender in the taverne go to the northwestren  house chek both floors go out and return to the barmaid  after talk to samanta go to the northeastren house in the basment clik the intact barrel then go to the house right of the mayor hous throe the back and get the tools in the basement go back to the barrel after clik lamp then left of the bookcase en then from the right press on the bookcase and you find the nest

omg thank you so much

no problem

(1 edit)

I need to learn more about the mage "Terre" before I can move to the next part of the map, but how? I released her from the demons but not able to move to the next area.

(3 edits)

i'm stuck at the part with wyri's riddle, the second one, any help (water b/w land of grass and land of sand)

it is is near the river between ellen and the desert to the souht a bit east of the cave

(1 edit)

ok now I'm stuck at the last one, the cave one,  please don't tell me i have to do the cave challenge for this
edit: nvm did it anyways and got the girl

(1 edit)

After recently restarting (ive played both the original and the first try of a remake) a few suggestions if you care: (i played to act 3 of this remaster at the time of this review)

1. More save slots would be welcome. As most other RPGs have them, it shouldnt be too much work

2. Show enemy health pools. Not seeing them is incredibly frustrating.

3. Maybe make the enemy health-pools a little smaller. Fights tend to drag pretty long (often unnessecary) and get very repetetive. I had several fights where i myself got only 1-20 damage every round while dealing 450-500. Stats show im clearly much stronger, but it still takes a lot of time.

3.1. Alternatively you could give us a Cheat-Attack to be toggled at will

4. Maybe include a hint about the trap-door in the hideout. i searched for ages as it wasnt included in the previous games

5. Maybe put a warning in, that missing secondary bosses might result in not seeing specific Scenes

6. The exp system seems a bit strange, if not intransparent. You clearly need more exp per Level, but do the points slain foes give, decline the higher you are in level?

And why does a demon give about 7exp while a rat gives almost the same with 5? keep in mind the rats come in 4s. Meaning the much harder demon gives 7exp. The Rat group in the first dungeon 20exp.

7. I do like that gear has a big effect on the stats and fights (at least it felt like). But one might want to warn about that, as it often plays only a minor role in other games.


Chapter 2: Succubus: Tackle doesnt cancel the summonning attack even if the stun-symbol is shown.

i do not want to make it feel like i am inposing or anething but there are three thigs i wish to propose

1 can  you ad the 100 save files like in the first attemt

2 can you mabye ad a quest where the mc can learn jessica skill to see the hp of foes  or get a skill whit the same effect

3i had an idee for a new meber of the harem a mechanichein who is in troble with the churh because she tried to look inside the train she can mabye make toys iether to be used by the mc or for sence between harem mebers as for recruetment i had the idee to put some sort of robot golum in the mine under the castle as a challence boss after you defeat it one of your slave  talks about her and you go and find her afther witch she fix the robot and it automates diamond mining withoud have to find more golem like the camp and brothel or she is the reward after the releiges was either as a reward or liberated by you

that was what i wanted to tell you do whit it what you want if you want mere informatin you can ask ps sorry for thypos english is not my mother tong

Don't feel bad about it! We are always open to new ideas from fans.

thanks what did you think of the new caracter she can do much more like maby keep the train running if you are good and deal with whathever darkness the nam church uses. If the is somthing you don t like i can give several alternetiefs exept name or look

Please help. I keep getting reference error: pako is not defined 

From our programmer:

"pako is a javascript library used by rpgmaker engine to compress and uncompress data. Maybe the library was damaged by a download error. I suggest to try to download again. Which platform are they using?"

I think i'm stuck. I need 200g to fight Sarah one more time but I have not. 
The game tells me to go to abandonned cavern to farm monster part but the only cavern in world map, mc doesn't want to go. 


Assuming you are playing the most recent version of the game, there should be an abandoned cave south of Eleen. You will need to finish some quests with the governor first, so make sure you talk to him.

I also ran into this problem. It would def be worth adding a bit to the end of the "kill vermin in the cave for gold" message to say something like "Maybe you should check with the governor?" at the end, would make it a lot more obvious what to do.


i mean its a game idolizing rape... dont care what people get interested in but thats pretty fucking filthy

Will the lewd scenes be animated in the future?


Is there pregnancy?


As of now we have no plans to add pregnancy into the game.

The magic artifact empowering Our Hero specifically neutralizes Ralph's little wigglers, and the girls are devoted enough to him wherein they won't have anyone else's children (meaning, they use birth control, Angelica being an herbalist, she takes care of that behind the scenes) even if or when he whores them out to other people for income.


Cant play on android, yes i have joiplay. Cant find an  exe file


will it be put for sale on steam


As of now we have no plan to release on Steam.


regrettably  maybe later down the line 

and if you do you can sell patreon exclusiefs as dlc

is wyri currently obtainable ? i have finished 4 of the riddles but cant find the 5th location to come back to.


Yes she is. Wyri is just a bit of a challenge compared to other girls we've had so far. I advise going back to the bandit challenge.

I remember playing the original a few years back and getting bored of it a good ways in. I think it was around the time a town was under seige by demons or worms or something.

 Maybe after playing a few other adult games, I think its cause I didn't really enjoy the main character. The girls may have been okay at worst but the MC who I think I was meant to project onto was someone I just didn't give a crap about and was actually rooting for the lesbian rebellion from within to kick out the weak link.

So anyway, for this remaster are there any changes to the MC or is he still a blank slate to image us fucking these women?

As of now we don't plan on making any changes to Ralph other than potentially visual ones.

How do I defeat the succubus?


When the succubus uses Focus, you need to use Tackle. That will cancel a her massive spell that one shots the party. When the Burning Innocent enemies spawn Donna needs to cast Sleep. DO NOT ATTACK THE BURNING INNOCENTS. Repeat until you win. Also ensure to keep the MC with at least 10 tp to stun should the Succubus use Focus again.


Thank you. I played Harem from the beginning, and was devastated when it just stopped being developed. I'm overjoyed to hear that Ker is allowing you to take over.

Could you provide steps with downloading this game, I downloaded Joiplay but it doesn't work

This video should help walk you through the process. 


uhhh... how to play on Android ?

You'll need Joiplay. Latest version of it is here: It is a completely free software that allows you to run RPG Maker games on an Android device.

(1 edit) (+1)

Really Onedrive. give us a different way to play


I'm stuck

Help me

Only got 2  girl what to do next??

Do you have the most recent release of the game? If so then you can interact with the girls to see more scenes and then leave your hideout to head North to a new continent.


YES can't wait to play this amazing game again. I played the original awhile back and I was disappointed it was unfinished. Keep up the good work on the game!

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