Not yet, we are attempting to release new content each month so it'll be a while before the story reaches its end, but we promise great content along the way.
Still in the early stages of playthrough; I can't get the rpgmaker for linux to work on my PCLinuxOS machine, it only works on my Linux Mint install, which I'm only at 1/week! I'll have some edits for the Chapter 1 playthough, so if you downloaded it, check back in a few days for the updated version!
Found some crocks that existed in Ker's original and haven't been addressed in the Remaster, specifically in the starting equipment. First off, money is tight, the 1st job is the wolf tails, and that's HIGH DIFF if you happen to do it before you collect Terra! If the world is going to be "open" enough to let you do certain tasks in any order, they should be doable in any order! Either that, as is done elsewhere, force the player to Do The Things in the intended order!
Second, WHY is it that a 50gp Bracer (usable by Sarah only, of the initial group) adds exactly as much Defense as a 25gp Small Shield (usable by MC or Sarah)? Except that the Small Shield adds other benefits as well?! This is just one example, the whole equipment scheme needs to be audited. With starting cash as tight as it is, buying the wrong thing(s) can really f--k the player over; the Remaster less generous with starting equipment than the original, Sarah's starting weapon being a short sword instead of a longsword, for example.
Third, I'm a little rusty with RPGMaker key bindings, which differ from, say, your typical (and now more common) Ren'Py game. I missed a bunch of early screenshot opportunities because I hadn't stumbled back upon the keys to hide text and so forth. How about a keyboard reference card?
I agree that going to the wolf quest just from the start is a bit difficult. This is the second dungeon, the first one being the vermin cave. Get level 2 in this cave and buy the best armor for Ralph, that should do the trick for most of chapter 2 combat.
About the bracers, in fact they can be used by Samantha, that's why their cost is higher than the one of a low tier shield that only Sarah/the MC can equip.
Just like a tier 3 leather armor may have the same amount of def as a tier 2 chainmail. The Eleen shop sells both Tier 0 and Tier 1 stuff.
I also agree we should mention using ctrl for hiding text - but it's not a built-in feature of RPGMaker, we coded it.
EDIT: my eyes got tangled up on the two names starting with S, so it sort of makes sense...but with me missing the vermin job, I had to short my party on equipment. IIRC my Samantha was stuck with (I'll have to get to my other machine with that playthrough to check)
I somehow completely bypassed the vermin raid! No wonder I've been chronically short of cash (which was my main complaint with my 1st playthru of Ker's original, back in the easy it was to miss moneymaking opportunities, and then get locked out of them!)
This is why I rewrote someone else's guide, rather than try to play everything out myself. I don't have time for that. Because this game has a lot of annoying "gotchas" and, left to my own devices, I miss stuff.
If you are using windows then when you unzip/rar the game go to the Harem Remastered folder and click on the game exe and that should start the game, hope that helps.
GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY -- I have uploaded my rewrite of a guide based on the previous remaster of the game. Unfortunately I don't remember the original posters, and I apologize for not giving credit where due. I am including only the 1st 4 chapters, that being how far Fylokon's remaster is. I'm not nearly that far in the game, so I don't know if everything is exactly as it was, or if certain things were fixed.
I wonder how they're going to handle the scenes with the magister of Corsix' wife, the whole plot to kill her. I know in Remaster they already completely changed Fiona's story and greatly shortened it. So I am a little concerned about how much the characters are going to be changed going forward.
I understand your worries about remaining " True " to Ker's vision and game, but truth be told this new remaster has changed but I think most of the changes to the game are a good thing.
Besides everything changes with time and I have no idea about Ker but from what I remember about him he was happy with the way this remaster shaping up to be.
I just want to mention that the main reason why Fiona's story was changed is that Ker deeply regreted not making her a mandatory character earlier in the story. With her unique abilities she's too useful. Most of the changes to existing characters are only meant to make them mandatory.
True, that does make sense. I just have so much apprehension to changes to characters, story, the world. Remake was never finished and I felt like I never got closure to the story or the characters. I put 125 hours into playing that one game, I would have happily put another 125 hours in if it meant everything was completed. But now the game is being restarted again and I don't know how many years its going to take to get caught up. Just worried that story or characters interactions are going to be cut in order to make up lost time. As nice as the new engine is I would have been fine sticking with VX Ace if it meant seeing the game completed.
Looking forward to seeing the game being remade for the third time, just sad that it's going to take years to get caught up to where the game left off in Remake.
I never used joiplay since downloading the game to joiplay is too slow and sometimes it doesn't even work, plus joiplay ain't in playstore anymore, i don't want to do some extra work just to play one game, I mostly prefer apks since it's easy to try the game out Immediately rather than doing some extra work
Having 100% abandoned Windows because of Win11 and their non-consensual application of privacy invasion and AI, I'm just wondering -- since RPGM is available for Linux, is there any chance you could generate a native Linux version also? A Live session using a linux dvd or bootable thumbdrive and the RPGM program on another thumbdrive (or different partition of the same thumbdrive, if you wanted to be fancy) is all you'd really need, if you didn't want to go so far as a permanent Linux install.
I know that there might be a trick with using the Android version and running node from the install folder. Not making any promise, but I really consider Linux support in the future... for the reasons you mentioned. It's a bit technical, but maybe this could help?
Working like a charm. This game is just that much better with actual mouse support, which the original lacked IIRC. SO, starting anew, I recall that I need every bit of help from the girls in combat I can get, including the party healers (Donna and the alchemist girl later). I know Donna gets the rolling pin from the goblin cook eventually, but it would be nice if she got a weapon sooner, even if is the stereotypical cast iron frying pan, so she doesn't have to wade into combat completely barehanded.
Other thoughts for the future: there's a Tower (Selam?) that we explore and loot, but also break thru into a hidden dungeon chamber and that sparks a really hot scene. I hated that it was only a one-shot, any chance that could be made into a repeatable or ongoing thing?
That's not really something I can answer, as I'm only the programmer/tech guy in the team. But don't you think it would be boring to make it repeatable? (and you can use the replay mode of course).
You repeat things you like until you get tired of them. But you still want to repeat them at least a few times. Would also be less boring if Ralph could funnel slaves other than Sarah though that little scene.
Hey Dev, I'm trying to download your game via the itch app on my laptop but it says I cant since it is hosted on a third party website. Is there a way to fix that?
Sorry for the late response. We do have our download link on a 3rd party site which I guess may cause issues at times. You can also find the link on our patreon if that helps.
I´ve played the original game (a few times as new versions came) and I would like to give this one a try but I have to ask, if I play it, would my save games be valid for future versions or will I have to play it all over again? As much as I like the game I don´t want to replay the whole story several times.
Being a dev myself, it very much depends on if they do serious changes to things like characters or switches that would be baked into your save file. A lot of the testing we do in our game can use the same save file as we progress through the game, but if its a dramatic change to things like, when you receive an item or if an event is changed you would have to start again in order to see those changes in your game without soft-locking your game. One thing that is possible, is making multiple saves as you progress through the game and you may be able to carry over your library of saves from one build to another. That said, I ofcourse understand that it is better entirely to start with a new save each time as a player you don't have developer knowledge of any small or large changes that happen between updates. I don't know if this response helped you at all, but I hope it was atleast useful.
Sorry for the late answer. When we update the remake, we make sure saves are compatible from our previous releases.
However, if you are asking if save files from the original by Ker will be compatible, then the answer is no as we are using a different version of RPGM.
Thanks a lot. It works for me, I was not planning to use the original game files since I want to see all the changes you have done but I did not want to start the game all over with each new release.
And thanks a lot for all your hard work on the game, I remember loving Ker´s original work so it´s absolutely great to see it back on track.
Ok, question. Harem Remake that was being done by Kuroki was never finished. Ended at the point where you are working to get the Castra back from the Ratan's. Was the original ever finished? I want to see the rest of the story, but Kuroki's everything, seems to have been removed from everyware for some reason.
Ah, ok, Kuroki did a noticeable upgrade to the art assets for stuff like the scenes from what I was able to gather by going back and playing the first edition of the game by Ker. I'm not 100% sure if it was just the art assets that were changed but I'm certain there were a number off new additional characters, but since the wiki for Remake, and well, everything for that edition of the game has magically disappeared, I can't even give examples short of sending you the build I have.
Love how the game is coming along in this third telling of the story. Lots of new interactions with the characters, new characters that didn't exist in the first two games which is nice aswell. Only thing that bothers me is the art for the main character. Doesn't make any sense to me that someone whom was raised as a noble in his own land is ok looking like a scruffy farm-hand. Thats probably all I would change to be honest, just clean him up and make him look respectable. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to seeing the game grow and can't wait to hopefully get past where the second telling of the game left off.
Maybe the *scruff* look was a cultural thing in his homeland or maybe given what we know of the MC is that he's his own thinker and is willing to go against the cultural norms if he did not agree with them or he found them to be repulsive to his morals and likes the low life look because it pisses off the *nobles* back home and that if you play the good MC he's not a raging asshole like most *nobles*
I understand that his scruff look seems out of place another reason for the scuff look is to keep a low profile so to say since he is a stranger in a strange land that offers him many " Delights " and horrors alike.
In my opinion the main character keeps this "stranded man" look while he is in Celee for more authenticity, even when he can afford much better. But a relooking is planned in the very end of chapter 4. In Rata, look like the Ratans!
Much thanks, hopeful next month I will be able to donate another fifty for a full one hundred and that will be all I can afford to donate for the feasible future.
Thanks for the report! Please send a save file where it is happening to by email. I will investigate about it as soon as I can get it. Please mention which version of the game you are using. (e.g. c4m1, c4m2, etc...).
I noticed a bunch of bugs & crocks in the original, I'm just wondering if they've been addressed in the Remaster. I could write a whole essay on Rhea. Has she been rebalanced, or is she still slower than Terra spellcasting? Does she still miss at least half of her attacks (effectively making her no better than a single-sword fighter, but with twice the equipment burden!) despite visible stats only 7% worse than Ralph? Is she still lightly armored, decent but not great HP, unable to use shields, but with no extra evasion or blocking ability (Weapon Block combined with Dual Wield was awesome in Final Fantasy know, three decades ago?)
I joined Ker's Harem team in the last releases, and one of my missions was to rework combat, especially Rhea, among some other. In Harem Remastered Rhea will be as balanced as possible. The fact she can equip two weapons make her difficult to balance due to how high her attack value can be. But we have tried to make her as interesting as possible, while being true to Ker's wish to make of Rhea a "combo character". If you have opinion on how to improve her I'll be glad to hear, be it on our discord or just by email ( ). (Note: Rhea was released in c4m1).
I'm a little behind on the Remaster, haven't tried it out fully. The usual flaw of dual-wielding is that its a hardwired stance, all offense and minimal defense (no shield, minimal armor to maintain mobility; glass cannon). My issue was that Rhea was all that and slow AF besides! She needs quickness, even at the expense of everything else. Active weapon blocks could stop incoming direct weapon shots at her, but be useless against magic, physical area attacks (grenades or grenade-like objects), or flail attacks that could "wrap around" a blade but impact flat against a shield. She could take a damage (strength-based) penalty for single-handing long swords, maybe deliver 75% of what someone else (Sarah or Ralph) could per hit with the same weapon (for a 150% max damage) because they commit and follow through with their strikes whereas she pulls away quicker to stay in the "flow". OR instead of longswords, have the Tenta use shorter swords, like the classic poignard, or something like Rikku's "comet" scimitars in FFX, which also does less damage than longswords.
Android (and IOS/MAC) is not officially supported. We are using the engine's default function to deploy it for android but we have nobody to test it in the team :/ Maybe you can try unziping it? The game is basically a node application. I heard people saying that it could work with JoiPlay.
1. The storyline is generic and bland, I skipped ahead for gameplay. There are other games that has better storyline, this game does not.
2. There is a lack of tutorial and guide, I am basically thrown into game with almost nothing and I have to figure it out.
3. The quest in menu is broken, it will make my game freeze and crash.
4. Some enemies are unbalanced, for example: Rats have similar health points to human characters, which is dumb. Rats are generally a weakest enemy with low HP and DMG. And (Spoiler alert) when you progress through the yame and start a memory quest for a mage, the demon is very unbalanced. Yes, they are meant to be strong, but for gameplay, its very unbalanced and overpowered. They deal more damage than player and their followers, not to mention their cleave abilities that can take out my followers quickly. I had to spam heal spell and potions, it's annoying. I am basically stuck on the quest because of it.
This game has potential, they just need to add tutorial, fix the quest bug and nerf some enemies.
not sure I fully understand the sand dollar riddle in this one quest I currently have access to: any chance someone would be willing to help me out here? :|
"A Special Reward" is an optional scene. You still have the opportunity to trigger it, it is somewhere in the "challenge part" of the chapter 2 vermin cave. (where you fight bandits).
The game was trash when i wanted to look at the quest there was no fucking writtin on what do i need to do theres no hints or whatever is necessary and more important no fucking animation not worth risking your time with this one
Not finding an APK included with the android version...
Guessing it's one of those apps you run through browser? Trying to open index.html doesnt do anything though
Really wanted to solve this. Finally got it to not work but in a way that says I'm actually doing something. Opening the index.html doesn't do anything. You have to MANUALLY type out the damn path. For me this included doing "storage/emulate/.../download..."
Granted once I did this, it just tells me my browser isn't allowed to read local files. Surely I'm missing something or was the android version of this just never tested?
You need to install apk call "joiplay" if you're playing on Android, after you install joiplay then you search the game file that you're already downloaded and you can play the game.
Good call! I'll download it again later and try it out. Forgot joiplay could be used for more than just .exe files. Figured since there was a download link specifically for Android, i wouldn't need to use an emulator (joiplay).
Make sure to go into the file and pull out the folder named "save" and transfer that into the new file. This will carry over all of your save data including scenes and settings.
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download links aren't workin
i have a question about. Rea and Alena will you be abel to ad both to your harem before chapter 5
Is the game story completed?
The gateway is so bad and there is no apk files
How do you play on Android? The android version is not an APK, do you need some program ? I tried Joyplay but it didn't work
I was thinking of joining the discord but i cant find it
is it possible to play on iPhone?
Sorry, no. The only mobile device supported is Android.
Is the game story completed?
Not yet, we are attempting to release new content each month so it'll be a while before the story reaches its end, but we promise great content along the way.
Still in the early stages of playthrough; I can't get the rpgmaker for linux to work on my PCLinuxOS machine, it only works on my Linux Mint install, which I'm only at 1/week! I'll have some edits for the Chapter 1 playthough, so if you downloaded it, check back in a few days for the updated version!
Found some crocks that existed in Ker's original and haven't been addressed in the Remaster, specifically in the starting equipment. First off, money is tight, the 1st job is the wolf tails, and that's HIGH DIFF if you happen to do it before you collect Terra! If the world is going to be "open" enough to let you do certain tasks in any order, they should be doable in any order! Either that, as is done elsewhere, force the player to Do The Things in the intended order!
Second, WHY is it that a 50gp Bracer (usable by Sarah only, of the initial group) adds exactly as much Defense as a 25gp Small Shield (usable by MC or Sarah)? Except that the Small Shield adds other benefits as well?! This is just one example, the whole equipment scheme needs to be audited. With starting cash as tight as it is, buying the wrong thing(s) can really f--k the player over; the Remaster less generous with starting equipment than the original, Sarah's starting weapon being a short sword instead of a longsword, for example.
Third, I'm a little rusty with RPGMaker key bindings, which differ from, say, your typical (and now more common) Ren'Py game. I missed a bunch of early screenshot opportunities because I hadn't stumbled back upon the keys to hide text and so forth. How about a keyboard reference card?
I agree that going to the wolf quest just from the start is a bit difficult. This is the second dungeon, the first one being the vermin cave. Get level 2 in this cave and buy the best armor for Ralph, that should do the trick for most of chapter 2 combat.
About the bracers, in fact they can be used by Samantha, that's why their cost is higher than the one of a low tier shield that only Sarah/the MC can equip.
Just like a tier 3 leather armor may have the same amount of def as a tier 2 chainmail. The Eleen shop sells both Tier 0 and Tier 1 stuff.
I also agree we should mention using ctrl for hiding text - but it's not a built-in feature of RPGMaker, we coded it.
EDIT: my eyes got tangled up on the two names starting with S, so it sort of makes sense...but with me missing the vermin job, I had to short my party on equipment. IIRC my Samantha was stuck with (I'll have to get to my other machine with that playthrough to check)
I somehow completely bypassed the vermin raid! No wonder I've been chronically short of cash (which was my main complaint with my 1st playthru of Ker's original, back in the easy it was to miss moneymaking opportunities, and then get locked out of them!)
This is why I rewrote someone else's guide, rather than try to play everything out myself. I don't have time for that. Because this game has a lot of annoying "gotchas" and, left to my own devices, I miss stuff.
Wolf quest was the 1st thing V. sent me to, and Hizzoner the mayor didn't have anything immediately after freeing Terra...or so it seemed.
Hey Flyokon, hope you and your team are doing well, could you send me a DM there is something I wish to ask about my subscription.
Hey Flyokon and news about what's coming next in the next release of this fine game?
How do I start the game?
If you are using windows then when you unzip/rar the game go to the Harem Remastered folder and click on the game exe and that should start the game, hope that helps.
for torrin's Investigation quest, I've been to each house and went to all the holes, the graveyard, and the well and i cant find the rat nest anywhere
There's a bit, in one basement where you need to find a tool and move something away from a wall in order to find the entrance.
look for a coment of me it is step by step
Will this ever be an Apk?
GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY -- I have uploaded my rewrite of a guide based on the previous remaster of the game. Unfortunately I don't remember the original posters, and I apologize for not giving credit where due. I am including only the 1st 4 chapters, that being how far Fylokon's remaster is. I'm not nearly that far in the game, so I don't know if everything is exactly as it was, or if certain things were fixed.
Download and comment!
Thanks, I still have the last public release of Ker's remake and I still play it from time to time, I hope Ker is ok.
Got some edits to make to the Chapter 1 guide, so check back in a few days for the updated version!
I wonder how they're going to handle the scenes with the magister of Corsix' wife, the whole plot to kill her. I know in Remaster they already completely changed Fiona's story and greatly shortened it. So I am a little concerned about how much the characters are going to be changed going forward.
I understand your worries about remaining " True " to Ker's vision and game, but truth be told this new remaster has changed but I think most of the changes to the game are a good thing.
Besides everything changes with time and I have no idea about Ker but from what I remember about him he was happy with the way this remaster shaping up to be.
I just want to mention that the main reason why Fiona's story was changed is that Ker deeply regreted not making her a mandatory character earlier in the story. With her unique abilities she's too useful.
Most of the changes to existing characters are only meant to make them mandatory.
True, that does make sense. I just have so much apprehension to changes to characters, story, the world. Remake was never finished and I felt like I never got closure to the story or the characters. I put 125 hours into playing that one game, I would have happily put another 125 hours in if it meant everything was completed. But now the game is being restarted again and I don't know how many years its going to take to get caught up. Just worried that story or characters interactions are going to be cut in order to make up lost time. As nice as the new engine is I would have been fine sticking with VX Ace if it meant seeing the game completed.
Looking forward to seeing the game being remade for the third time, just sad that it's going to take years to get caught up to where the game left off in Remake.
Thought it was an Apk🗿
Really wanted to play this, idk how
I never used joiplay since downloading the game to joiplay is too slow and sometimes it doesn't even work, plus joiplay ain't in playstore anymore, i don't want to do some extra work just to play one game, I mostly prefer apks since it's easy to try the game out Immediately rather than doing some extra work
Having 100% abandoned Windows because of Win11 and their non-consensual application of privacy invasion and AI, I'm just wondering -- since RPGM is available for Linux, is there any chance you could generate a native Linux version also? A Live session using a linux dvd or bootable thumbdrive and the RPGM program on another thumbdrive (or different partition of the same thumbdrive, if you wanted to be fancy) is all you'd really need, if you didn't want to go so far as a permanent Linux install.
I know that there might be a trick with using the Android version and running node from the install folder.
Not making any promise, but I really consider Linux support in the future... for the reasons you mentioned.
It's a bit technical, but maybe this could help?
Working like a charm. This game is just that much better with actual mouse support, which the original lacked IIRC. SO, starting anew, I recall that I need every bit of help from the girls in combat I can get, including the party healers (Donna and the alchemist girl later). I know Donna gets the rolling pin from the goblin cook eventually, but it would be nice if she got a weapon sooner, even if is the stereotypical cast iron frying pan, so she doesn't have to wade into combat completely barehanded.
Glad that it worked!
Donna can wield staffs. You can buy one in the shops of Eleen or Eowen.
You will also loot one when meeting Terra.
I don't know why that never occurred to me to try. Maybe I hadn't discovered the "weapon compatibility check" (Z key iirc)
Other thoughts for the future: there's a Tower (Selam?) that we explore and loot, but also break thru into a hidden dungeon chamber and that sparks a really hot scene. I hated that it was only a one-shot, any chance that could be made into a repeatable or ongoing thing?
That's not really something I can answer, as I'm only the programmer/tech guy in the team. But don't you think it would be boring to make it repeatable? (and you can use the replay mode of course).
You repeat things you like until you get tired of them. But you still want to repeat them at least a few times. Would also be less boring if Ralph could funnel slaves other than Sarah though that little scene.
Hey Dev, I'm trying to download your game via the itch app on my laptop but it says I cant since it is hosted on a third party website. Is there a way to fix that?
Sorry for the late response. We do have our download link on a 3rd party site which I guess may cause issues at times. You can also find the link on our patreon if that helps.
do I need to be a supporter on patreon in order to download?
Patrons have access to release 4m2, however 4m1 (the version here on Itch) is fully available for free to anyone even on Patreon.
sweet, I'll look for the link, if I dont find it, I'll message you. I LOVE these kinds of games.
Hello let me know if my second fifty dollar payment went through.
Sorry for the late response. Yes it did. And thank you very much!
No worries glad it got through, looking forward to seeing what comes next.
I´ve played the original game (a few times as new versions came) and I would like to give this one a try but I have to ask, if I play it, would my save games be valid for future versions or will I have to play it all over again? As much as I like the game I don´t want to replay the whole story several times.
Being a dev myself, it very much depends on if they do serious changes to things like characters or switches that would be baked into your save file. A lot of the testing we do in our game can use the same save file as we progress through the game, but if its a dramatic change to things like, when you receive an item or if an event is changed you would have to start again in order to see those changes in your game without soft-locking your game. One thing that is possible, is making multiple saves as you progress through the game and you may be able to carry over your library of saves from one build to another. That said, I ofcourse understand that it is better entirely to start with a new save each time as a player you don't have developer knowledge of any small or large changes that happen between updates.
I don't know if this response helped you at all, but I hope it was atleast useful.
Thanks a lot for your answer!
Sorry for the late answer. When we update the remake, we make sure saves are compatible from our previous releases.
However, if you are asking if save files from the original by Ker will be compatible, then the answer is no as we are using a different version of RPGM.
Thanks a lot. It works for me, I was not planning to use the original game files since I want to see all the changes you have done but I did not want to start the game all over with each new release.
And thanks a lot for all your hard work on the game, I remember loving Ker´s original work so it´s absolutely great to see it back on track.
Ok, question. Harem Remake that was being done by Kuroki was never finished. Ended at the point where you are working to get the Castra back from the Ratan's. Was the original ever finished? I want to see the rest of the story, but Kuroki's everything, seems to have been removed from everyware for some reason.
I never played Kuroki´s remake but Ker´s original game was never finished
Ah, ok, Kuroki did a noticeable upgrade to the art assets for stuff like the scenes from what I was able to gather by going back and playing the first edition of the game by Ker. I'm not 100% sure if it was just the art assets that were changed but I'm certain there were a number off new additional characters, but since the wiki for Remake, and well, everything for that edition of the game has magically disappeared, I can't even give examples short of sending you the build I have.
Love how the game is coming along in this third telling of the story. Lots of new interactions with the characters, new characters that didn't exist in the first two games which is nice aswell. Only thing that bothers me is the art for the main character. Doesn't make any sense to me that someone whom was raised as a noble in his own land is ok looking like a scruffy farm-hand. Thats probably all I would change to be honest, just clean him up and make him look respectable. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to seeing the game grow and can't wait to hopefully get past where the second telling of the game left off.
Maybe the *scruff* look was a cultural thing in his homeland or maybe given what we know of the MC is that he's his own thinker and is willing to go against the cultural norms if he did not agree with them or he found them to be repulsive to his morals and likes the low life look because it pisses off the *nobles* back home and that if you play the good MC he's not a raging asshole like most *nobles*
I mean, I guess? Just seems out of place.
I understand that his scruff look seems out of place another reason for the scuff look is to keep a low profile so to say since he is a stranger in a strange land that offers him many " Delights " and horrors alike.
In my opinion the main character keeps this "stranded man" look while he is in Celee for more authenticity, even when he can afford much better.
But a relooking is planned in the very end of chapter 4. In Rata, look like the Ratans!
I played this game when Ker was working on it, glad to see that the game is being redone.
I have a question, will this site deduct another 50 dollars next month automatically?
Itch will not take monthly payments. That is what Patreon is for :)
Much thanks, hopeful next month I will be able to donate another fifty for a full one hundred and that will be all I can afford to donate for the feasible future.
quest menu is broken, can't open
Thanks for the report! Please send a save file where it is happening to by email. I will investigate about it as soon as I can get it. Please mention which version of the game you are using. (e.g. c4m1, c4m2, etc...).
I noticed a bunch of bugs & crocks in the original, I'm just wondering if they've been addressed in the Remaster. I could write a whole essay on Rhea. Has she been rebalanced, or is she still slower than Terra spellcasting? Does she still miss at least half of her attacks (effectively making her no better than a single-sword fighter, but with twice the equipment burden!) despite visible stats only 7% worse than Ralph? Is she still lightly armored, decent but not great HP, unable to use shields, but with no extra evasion or blocking ability (Weapon Block combined with Dual Wield was awesome in Final Fantasy know, three decades ago?)
I joined Ker's Harem team in the last releases, and one of my missions was to rework combat, especially Rhea, among some other.
In Harem Remastered Rhea will be as balanced as possible. The fact she can equip two weapons make her difficult to balance due to how high her attack value can be. But we have tried to make her as interesting as possible, while being true to Ker's wish to make of Rhea a "combo character". If you have opinion on how to improve her I'll be glad to hear, be it on our discord or just by email ( ). (Note: Rhea was released in c4m1).
I'm a little behind on the Remaster, haven't tried it out fully. The usual flaw of dual-wielding is that its a hardwired stance, all offense and minimal defense (no shield, minimal armor to maintain mobility; glass cannon). My issue was that Rhea was all that and slow AF besides! She needs quickness, even at the expense of everything else. Active weapon blocks could stop incoming direct weapon shots at her, but be useless against magic, physical area attacks (grenades or grenade-like objects), or flail attacks that could "wrap around" a blade but impact flat against a shield. She could take a damage (strength-based) penalty for single-handing long swords, maybe deliver 75% of what someone else (Sarah or Ralph) could per hit with the same weapon (for a 150% max damage) because they commit and follow through with their strikes whereas she pulls away quicker to stay in the "flow". OR instead of longswords, have the Tenta use shorter swords, like the classic poignard, or something like Rikku's "comet" scimitars in FFX, which also does less damage than longswords.
how to install in android. its a zip file, how to play
Android (and IOS/MAC) is not officially supported. We are using the engine's default function to deploy it for android but we have nobody to test it in the team :/
Maybe you can try unziping it? The game is basically a node application. I heard people saying that it could work with JoiPlay.
I have few issues with the game:
1. The storyline is generic and bland, I skipped ahead for gameplay. There are other games that has better storyline, this game does not.
2. There is a lack of tutorial and guide, I am basically thrown into game with almost nothing and I have to figure it out.
3. The quest in menu is broken, it will make my game freeze and crash.
4. Some enemies are unbalanced, for example: Rats have similar health points to human characters, which is dumb. Rats are generally a weakest enemy with low HP and DMG. And (Spoiler alert) when you progress through the yame and start a memory quest for a mage, the demon is very unbalanced. Yes, they are meant to be strong, but for gameplay, its very unbalanced and overpowered. They deal more damage than player and their followers, not to mention their cleave abilities that can take out my followers quickly. I had to spam heal spell and potions, it's annoying. I am basically stuck on the quest because of it.
This game has potential, they just need to add tutorial, fix the quest bug and nerf some enemies.
This is my opinion and how I see the game.
not sure I fully understand the sand dollar riddle in this one quest I currently have access to: any chance someone would be willing to help me out here? :|
All you need to do is stand here on the map to complete the 1st note.
okay: thanks
Anyone know how to unlock Donna's reply scenes "A Special Reward".
Game was trash theres no any hits or tips on finding those also the dev was fucking money milker
"A Special Reward" is an optional scene. You still have the opportunity to trigger it, it is somewhere in the "challenge part" of the chapter 2 vermin cave. (where you fight bandits).
Thank You
The game was trash when i wanted to look at the quest there was no fucking writtin on what do i need to do theres no hints or whatever is necessary and more important no fucking animation not worth risking your time with this one
Can't find exe file after extracting
Not finding an APK included with the android version...
Guessing it's one of those apps you run through browser? Trying to open index.html doesnt do anything though
Really wanted to solve this. Finally got it to not work but in a way that says I'm actually doing something. Opening the index.html doesn't do anything. You have to MANUALLY type out the damn path. For me this included doing "storage/emulate/.../download..."
Granted once I did this, it just tells me my browser isn't allowed to read local files. Surely I'm missing something or was the android version of this just never tested?
You need to install apk call "joiplay" if you're playing on Android, after you install joiplay then you search the game file that you're already downloaded and you can play the game.
Good call! I'll download it again later and try it out. Forgot joiplay could be used for more than just .exe files. Figured since there was a download link specifically for Android, i wouldn't need to use an emulator (joiplay).
There's only one Joiplay app and it's a translator is that it?
How to install that game in Android ?
I’m a little slow how do you get Wyri?
i downloaded the new version of the game but my save was deleted.
Make sure to go into the file and pull out the folder named "save" and transfer that into the new file. This will carry over all of your save data including scenes and settings.
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Ah yes, the classic harem game where you whore out half the cast. What a terrible game
Yeah, I don't think the dev understands what harem means.
idk if its just me or other people but when i save and then close the game when i relaunch the game it wont let me continue
who does mc keep from his harem for himself ?
Okay so..
Imma need a way to give those girls headpats